Are you losing £100s on heating and powering your home?
Increasing the energy efficiency of your home means you use less energy to heat your home to the same temperature. As you use less energy, you pay for less energy, leading to lower energy bills. All homes can benefit from improved energy efficiency through improved insulation or more energy efficient appliances.
Energy efficiency and the impact on the environment has recently become headline news. As a result, a range of grants are available for private tenants to improve the energy efficiency of their homes. These grants mean that energy improvements can be made for zero or at very low cost. This article will outline how private tenants in Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire can receive these grants.
What is a grant?
Improvements designed to improve the energy efficiency of a home are often subsidised by government grants. A grant is money, or a voucher, that contributes towards the cost of purchasing something. A grant may not cover the entire cost of the item and you will be expected to fund any shortfall. However, any investment in energy efficiency will be paid for through lower energy bills. If you are on a low income, receive benefits (disability, job seekers etc.), or are of a certain age, the grant may cover the entire costs of the improvement.
How to find grants
Grants are provided by national and local providers. This section will outline how to access these grants. Often these grants and their providers are difficult to find and apply for. Thankfully, the internet has brought these grants into the reach of everyone. As a result, completing an online form or calling the grant provider could lead to you saving £100s within minutes. There is often no cost involved in completing the form or calling the freephone number.
You could almost say that not taking 5 minutes to contact the grant providers is costing you money!
Grant providers:
This section outlines the grants available for private tenants within Hull and the East Riding of Yorkshire.
Local providers
Local providers allow access to a smaller range of grants than national providers allow.
Kingston upon Hull
Anchor Staying Put can advise you on how to access funding from a wide range of sources, including charities, local and national government.
Anchor Staying Put – Hull
2nd Floor, Kenworthy House, 98-104 George Street, Hull, East Yorkshire, HU1 3DT
Phone: 01482 320 447
Email: stayingput.hull@anchor.org.uk
East Riding of Yorkshire
can advise you on how to access funding from a wide range of sources, including charities, local and national government.
East Riding Staying Put
Room KG1, County Hall, Cross Street, Beverley, East Yorkshire, HU17 9BA
Phone: 01482 396365
National providers
National providers allow access to a wider range of grants than local providers allow.
Enact Energy
The is a national project which offers energy efficiency grants for loft and cavity wall insulation. Enact Energy offers free site surveys to identify possible improvements in the energy efficiency of the home. Once an improvement has been identified Enact Energy will try to secure part or full funding for grant funding for the work.
Freephone: 0800 093 4050
E-mail: enquiries@enactenergy.co.uk
Website: www.enactenergy.co.uk
Warm Front
Warm Front makes homes warmer, healthier and more energy-efficient. The Warm Front Grant provides a package of insulation and heating improvements up to the value of £2,700 (or £4,000 if oil central heating is recommended).
If you own your own home, or rent it from a private landlord and are disabled or claiming benefits you may be eligible for a grant under the Warm Front Scheme.
Freephone: 0800 316 2805
Website: www.warmfront.co.uk