This form allows tenants to log a request for maintenance with K&G Lettings Limited. The form can be completed online and e-mailed to LettingTeam@kandglettings.co.uk or by post using the details in the letter header above. Office hours are 9am til 5pm Monday to Friday.
Please read before completing the form
You are responsible for all costs associated with the unnecessary call out of service/trades people, including maintenance that is caused by accidental or malicious damage by yourself or guests. Call out charges are detailed in the sections below.
General maintenance
General Maintenance requests are made by completing this form. It is K&G Lettings Limited’s responsibility to undertake this type of maintenance. Maintenance will, generally be carried out on the following Friday or Saturday, on receipt of the maintenance request form. There will be no charge for this service.
All requests for General property maintenance are to be made in writing, by post, or e-mail.
Examples of what a General maintenance does not include:
1. Any modifications to a property (i.e., shelving, work surfaces).
2. Any new equipment installations or furnishings.
3. Any relocations of equipment / workstations / shelving.
We will be pleased to arrange for any other repairs or maintenance work requested by the tenant for which there will be a charge with a minimum call-out fee of £50.
Emergency maintenance
Emergency maintenance is any issue that may affect the health and safety of tenants. It is our policy to carry out emergency maintenance work, as defined in the Tenancy Agreement as the Landlord’s responsibility, the same day or as soon as possible, for which there will normally be no charge. Examples of emergency maintenance include:
- Leaks and flooding
- Overflowing or blocked toilet
- Failure of heating during extreme weather conditions
- Power failure
Checks before contacting K&G Lettings Limited
Please ensure you have consulted your welcome pack and appliance instructions before contacting K&G Lettings Limited. Please ensure you check the following:
No Power:Check the fuse box to determine whether a fuse has blown/been tripped, then the electricity board for known local power failures.
No Water:Check Isolator valves beneath appliances to determine whether they have been turned off and check the local water authority to determine whether there are any leaks or water shortages.
All requests for Emergency maintenance should be made by e-mail or phone:
- During office hours: For emergencies, report direct to a member of the accommodation staff in person or by phone on 0844 884 59 09.
- Outside office hours: For emergencies out of office hours, please call 07860021976.
We will also be pleased to arrange for any other repairs or maintenance work requested by the tenant to be carried out the same day or as soon as possible for which there will be a charge together with a minimum call-out fee of £50.
Completing the form
Please complete the form in its entirety, the more detail provided the faster the issue will be resolved. This is especially important for emergency maintenance. Please ensure you indicate the day and time preferred and whether access is permitted in your absence.
Once you have submitted the form please do not report again by telephone or in person at any other time.
Your receipt will be acknowledged.