This form allows tenants to log a request for a replacement key(s) with K&G Lettings Limited. The form can be completed online and e-mailed to LettingTeam@kandglettings.co.uk or by post using the details in the letter header above. Office hours are 9am til 5pm Monday to Friday.
Please read before completing the form
You are responsible for all costs associated with the replacement of keys that are lost or damaged when in your possession. The cost of replacement per key is £15 plus the cost of recorded delivery. If the tenant is locked out of the property and requires K&G Lettings Limited to provide access to the property, there will be a charge of £60, to be paid at the time of service by cash or cheque.
Completing the form
Please complete the form in its entirety, the more detail provided the faster the issue will be resolved. Once you have submitted the form please do not report again by telephone or in person at any other time.
Your receipt will be acknowledged.