A Tenant’s guide to renting a property

The Tenant’s Guide has been created by K&G Lettings Limited to provide tenants – existing and new – with information about letting a property. It has been divided into sections which are designed to help you decide what is of interest to you. Within the sections are summaries of articles which have been written by […]

Maintenance Request Form

This form allows tenants to log a request for maintenance with K&G Lettings Limited. The form can be completed online and e-mailed to LettingTeam@kandglettings.co.uk or by post using the details in the letter header above.  Office hours are 9am til 5pm Monday to Friday. Please read before completing the form You are responsible for all costs associated […]

Replacement Key Request Form

This form allows tenants to log a request for a replacement key(s) with K&G Lettings Limited.  The form can be completed online and e-mailed to  LettingTeam@kandglettings.co.uk or by post using the details in the letter header above.  Office hours are 9am til 5pm Monday to Friday. Please read before completing the form You are responsible for all […]

A Tenant’s guide: Decorating a rental property

At K&G Lettings Limited, we are often asked by tenants whether they can decorate the property they are renting. The answer is Yes, but only with the written permission of the landlord and, only if the decoration is undertaken to the required standard. If the tenant does not get the written permission of the landlord […]

A Tenant’s guide: an Assured Shorthold Tenancy

This article is designed to give tenants looking to rent a property, information on the most important documents issued and signed by both tenant and landlord – the Assured Shorthold Tenancy (AST). Many tenants sign an AST without understanding what the document contains and what conditions they will be required to fulfil as a result. […]

A Tenant’s guide: Defining your housing requirements

This article aims to help tenants to determine their housing requirements.  It is important tenants choose a property which meets their needs and is within their budget.  This is increasingly important in turbulent economic times and will ensure tenants do not over extend themselves.  As landlords and letting agents K&G Lettings Limited often deal with tenants […]

A Tenant’s guide: Energy saving grants

Are you losing £100s on heating and powering your home? Increasing the energy efficiency of your home means you use less energy to heat your home to the same temperature.  As you use less energy, you pay for less energy, leading to lower energy bills.  All homes can benefit from improved energy efficiency through improved […]

A Tenant’s guide: Energy Performance Certificate

This article forms part of the K&G Lettings Limited Tenants guide series which aims to explain the basics when renting a property.  This article focuses on one of the key documents when letting a property – the energy performance certificate. What is an energy performance certificate? An Energy Perfromance Certificate (EPC) has been compulsary for […]

A Tenant’s guide: Tenant’s responsibilities matrix

This document outlines the responsibilities of the tenant and the landlord in a matrix form, for ease of reference, and to compliment the more detailed article A tenant’s responsibilities when letting a property.  The document attempts to include most responsibilities but, it is inevitable it will not be exhaustive.  Please forward any suggested additions to enquiries@kandglettings.co.uk.   Responsibility […]