One of the most frequent questions we are asked as landlords is the council tax band of the property being let. Due to the frequency this question is asked we thought it would be useful to write a short guide for tenants. This will allow any prospective tenant to check the council tax of the property.
What you will need:
1) The address of the property you want to check.
2) Access to a computer
The first thing to do is to find the council tax rating of the property you are renting. This can be done using the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) website (http://www.voa.gov.uk/).
On this website, click the ‘Council tax’ heading at the top of the page, then click ‘council tax England and Wales check your band here…..’ (http://www.voa.gov.uk/council_tax/index.htm). Then follow the instructions and
perform a search using the properties address details.
Completing the search above will not only determine the council tax band the property falls within but the council to pay the council tax for the property. The next step is to determine the rates charged by the council for each council tax band. Many if not all councils now have website, from which a list of council tax bands and prices can be
found. The DirectGov website provides an A to Z of councils (http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/Dl1/Directories/Localcouncils/AToZOfLocalCouncils/DG_A-Z_LG) if you already know the council you fall within.
An alternate way of finding the council website is to perform a google (www.google.co.uk) search on the council’s name. From the council’s website you should be able to search for ‘council tax band’ using the search bar, or using the sitemap or A to Z pages. The council tax page should display the price for each of the council tax bands and information on how to pay your council tax.
All K&G Lettings Limited rental properties are contained within the billing area of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council or Hull City Council. The council tax bands for each can be found by following the links below.
East Riding of Yorkshire Council tax bands
Hull City Council tax bands
To summarise, you need to undertake the following:
1. Collect the address details of the property.
2. Use the Valuation Office Agency’s Council tax valuation list to find out the
council tax and the council to which you pay the council tax.
3. Find the council’s website.
4. Find the council tax pages on the council’s website.