Property has not been unaffected by the global pandemic, adjustments have had to be made which have complicated the process. When emotions are already running at an all time high among the population and relationships are being strained, the additional requirements in the traditional process of property sales can be extremely overwhelming. We will explore why more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19, in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
Time is of the Essence
Because direct buyers like K&G Lettings Limited typically complete faster than traditional home buyers, more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19 in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. No matter if a property is listed with an estate agent or by the owner, traditional home purchases usually require qualifications from mortgage companies, mortgage underwriting time, property survey/inspection time and the buyer may not end up qualifying for a loan in the end. All of these steps gobble up precious time and in the end, a traditional listing with an estate agent carries no guarantee of when, or if, your house will ever sell. The time to sell is now, as more and more people are moving towards purchasing their own homes during the pandemic. If your need to sell is due to a relocation for work or personal reasons, unless you sell quickly, you will likely be carrying the financial burden for two homes. In addition to the stress and expenses of holding two properties, you will either be required to do a great deal of traveling or hire someone to look after the property while its on the market.
Viewings Can Be Difficult
For many people, just the thought of dealing with the hassles of having people view their property when it is on the market is extremely stressful and can truly be a nightmare. This reason alone is why more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19, in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. By selling directly to a company like K&G Lettings Limited, you can eliminate all of the frustrating phone calls asking if your house is available immediately for a viewing. When you sell directly to K&G Lettings Limited, you won’t have to worry about leaving your home spotlessly clean everyday before heading to work, just in case there is a viewing while you’re gone. There is also no chance of the discomfort of possibly running into an estate agent or dealing with rude buyers asking you questions directly. When you work with us here at K&G Lettings Limited there will be no more buyers arguing with you over which furniture you are taking and what you are leaving.
People in Your House
One thing we have learned during the pandemic is that it is risky to have multiple strangers from different households, possibly different cities or or counties, in your home wandering about. If you aren’t working with an estate agent that has grown accustomed to the new steps for self-protection, you will have to educate yourself on all of the necessary steps to protect yourself and be certain you have strict management of visitors in your home to ensure you are Covid-safe. This risk is why more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19, in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
No Repairs Needed
Professional home buyers like K&G Lettings Limited usually do not require costly repairs which makes it a truly as-is sale. As a seller, this means you do not have to worry about repairs before selling the property or any other additional expenses you were not planning on. Professional home buyers like K&G Lettings Limited , already know the state of the property, and they are willing to take on that risk, in turn, this makes the process even quicker. At K&G Lettings Limited we work with you, laying out every step of the process and usually have shortened, very clear contracts that are simple as-is purchase agreements. This is another reason that more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19, in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
Legal Risks
By working with K&G Lettings Limited, you will also have lessened exposure to any legal risks. You won’t have to worry about the buyer finding something you simply did not know about, and therefore didn’t disclose or suddenly discover something they don’t like about the home or the area. Under most traditional estate agents contracts, there is a potential for the buyer to sue you if they feel they did not get all of the information, or if they feel the information was misrepresented. This is a big reason more people are choosing to sell their homes directly during Covid-19, in Goole, Hull, Skegness, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire.
While we can’t cover all of the reasons selling directly may be one of the best precautions you can take to protect yourself and your family here, at K&G Lettings Limited, we completely understand your concerns. At K&G Lettings Limited , we will stop and take the time to listen and we’re more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Please send us a message or call K&G Lettings Limited today at 01482 961961.